Check the status of any transaction initiated on the AeronPay platform. Call this API after 15 minutes of transaction completion and if the transaction is in PENDING or TIMEOUT (no response) status. Maintain a time difference of at least 2 hours between status query attempts for the same transaction.

Request Parameters

Parameter NameRequirementDescription
transactionIdMandatoryClient Transaction ID
mobileMandatoryRegistered Mobile Number of AeronPay

Response Parameters

Parameter NameDescription
statusAeronPay Transaction Status
statusCodeTxn Action Code
transactionIdAeronPay Transaction ID
client_referenceIdPartner Reference ID
acknowledged"1" for Success || "0" for Pending and Failed
utrBank UTR / Reference Number
descriptionTransaction Successful / Pending / Failed / Rejected
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!